It’s obviously something important to me - just look at the name of this blog. But isn’t joy just being happy??
Nope! Joy and Happiness are two separate entities. Happiness comes from things around and outside us. For instance, my deliveries showing up on time make me happy. The weather cooperating with my plans, happy. Stubbing my toe, unhappy. Joy comes from within and is a deeper-seated emotion, quite often born out of gratitude and immense love. Seeing my dog for the first time in 20 months when I returned home after my last two transplants, joy. Knowing that my family and friends accept my quirkiness and unicorn status, joy. Memories of happy times with lost loved ones, joy combined with grief.
In order to experience true joy it is important to look within. To be present in the love and the gratitude you hold there. It’s one of the reasons practicing gratitude can be so impactful of mindset and even our health!
About that joy combined with grief...the two really can coexist. For more an this topic, I suggest checking out the book It's Okat to
be Okay: Finding Joy Through Grief by Emilie Lancour. You can find it on Amazon here.