Gratitude and joy go hand in hand. If you aren't grateful, you probably aren't having much luck finding your joy.
My own personal definition of joy is an outward expression of grateful appreciation. By focusing on the things you are grateful for, the easier it is to find joy. There are many different ways to focus on gratitude. Some people have gratitude journals, some use prayer, others keep gratitude jars, and still others prefer meditation. No one way of practicing gratitude is better than another - it is simply a case of finding what works best for you!
My personal preference is an intentional afternoon tea break. I focus my senses solely on the act of steeping my tea, then, as I sit and sip, I focus on three things I am grateful for in that moment. It never fails to Fe enter me, even in the midst of a busy day, and I nd my break with joy and a clear mind to get through the rest of my day. As a transplant recipient, joy is definitely important to me in everything I do. The international tea breaks, however, allow me ten to fifteen minutes to truly focus on that gratitude, which in turn filly my hear and soul with joy!